THE SCAM changed skin!



Our bust has been online for only a few months and goddamned scammer Vladimir already took the heat and changed his skin!

Can you believe it?! LOL!  Well, it seems we really hit our target! X-D

Let us take a look at all the changes that goddamned Vladimir made to his scam website in a pathetic and naive attempt to scam you better (despite we already and widely exposed him on this website), shall we?

The SCAM changed skin with a new homepage: a proven scam changing skin


a new shop outlook  (the bitcoin-based defrauding system is exactly the same as the previous version): a proven scam changing skin

and a new contact method based on an encrypted chat to scam you better so that no traces (it is a tad bit late Vladimir! X-D) that might eventually be used to expose him as a proven scammer are left behind: a proven scam changing skin

Last but not least, the scammer also removed his nice Russian name…right Vladimir? + = CERTIFIED SCAM